International Portfolios

Learn more about the collaborative teams working together to support UBC Okanagan students and faculty on a global scale.

Okanagan Campus International Office

The Okanagan Campus International Office in the Provost and Vice-President, Academic offers support to Faculties in the development and renewal of international partnerships and agreements and coordinates international delegations.

about us


Global Engagement Office

The Global Engagement Office in the Associate Vice-President, Students portfolio includes international student advising, intercultural programming and Go Global. The GEO provides advising, transition services, and programs for international students. Students can contact this office for assistance with issues related to safety, health insurance, employment, and transitioning to UBC.



International Student Admissions

International students interested in applying to UBC can visit the admissions website to learn more about admission requirements, English language competency information, application dates and deadlines and application tips.



Office of Global Engagement, UBC Vancouver

The Office of Global Engagement supports global services, programs, events and activities at both campuses through their seven units:

  • Go Global
  • Global Partnerships
  • UBC Vantage College
  • John’s College
  • Asia Pacific Regional Office
  • India Liaison Office